Adopted by Faculty Senate 2/12/16; AE 11/23/22 


Each institution of the 佐治亚大学系统 (USG) is held accountable for 正确的休假报告和使用. EGSC遵循校董会政策 书面和精神上的休假报告.



适用于所有USG正式全职员工 8节.政策手册第1页, sick leave shall be accumulated at the rate of one working day per calendar month 的服务.

Regular part-time employees working one-half time or more will accumulate sick leave 与他们所花时间的比例相当. 员工病假 应是累积的.

Sick leave may be granted at the discretion of the institution and upon approval by the supervisor for an employee’s absence for any of the following reasons:

        1. 员工患病或受伤
        2. 医疗和牙科治疗或咨询
        3. Quarantine due to a contagious illness in the employee’s household
        4. Illness, injury, or death in the employee’s immediate family requiring the employee’s 存在

If sick leave is claimed for a continuous period in excess of one week, a physician’s statement is required to permit further claim of sick leave rights by the employee-patient.

A terminating employee shall not accumulate sick leave or be entitled to receive sick 在受雇的最后一个工作日后支付.

Upon the movement of an employee among USG institutions, accumulated sick leave will 如果没有实际中断使用,将被调离. (《十大正规网赌平台》1991-92页. 354-355)

The 佐治亚大学系统 学术 and 学生 Affairs Handbook provides:


来源: BoR政策 &

The following provisions for the reporting of sick leave shall apply to all full-time faculty on 9 or 10 month contracts, employed by institutions of the USG, who serve primarily in assignments defined by faculty roles in instruction, research and scholarly 活动和服务:

        1. Faculty are responsible for informing their immediate supervisors of any illness that prohibits them from meeting their assigned responsibilities.
        2. In reporting sick leave, faculty will report leave based on the number of whole hours 生病的定义是 劳工政策8.2.7, with a full day being eight (8) hours, a half day being four (4) hours, and less than a half day based on whole hours missed, with a full week being the equivalent 每周工作40小时.
        3. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to indicate that faculty work on a standardized 时间表.

Faculty members shall report for each term on the date and time published by the college. Only extreme emergencies are considered as valid excuses for not reporting on time. If a faculty member is unable to report, he or she should notify the appropriate Campus Coordinator and the Vice President for 学术 Affairs and 学生 (VPASA) as soon 尽可能. VPASA会通知总统.

学术-year faculty (10-month) may request professional and sick leave. 学术 年教员没有年假. 然而,12个月的教员可能会要求专业的, 病假和年假. 请专业假,请通过校园协调员.

While faculty should strive to meet with their classes and keep their posted office 时间和场合的出现确实使这变得不可能. 在这种情况下,教职员工必须如此 absent due to any situation mentioned in Board of Regents policy above, they should request sick leave for the absence through the appropriate channels. 预期的缺勤, such as 时间表d surgeries, should be requested through ADP. 紧急情况或意外情况 absences should be reported to the Campus Coordinator and reported on the paper Request 在教员返回工作岗位时领取请假单. 如果教员累积 more than one week of consecutive absences, he or she is required to submit a medical certification from his or her doctor to the Campus Coordinator (for transmittal to 人力资源厅).

When faculty must be away from their duties, they should provide assignments or arrange 以某种方式上课. 校园协调员应协助教师 确保课程都满足要求. 如果教师在学院的外部 campuses, they are expected to notify the director of that external campus of their 缺席也是一样.

如项目4所述.9.1.3 of the 学术 and 学生 Handbook of the USG above, “Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to indicate that faculty work on a standardized 时间表.” This lack of a standardized 时间表 requires some flexibility for the 请病假的小时数. 例如,一个教员可能不是 able to meet his or her face-to-face classes or office hours, but he or she may be able to accomplish all duties for any online classes or office hours and should be required to report whole hours for only those duties actually missed. 在另一个例子中 requiring flexibility, faculty who may miss a fifty-minute class due to a doctor’s appointment should report only one whole hour of sick leave rather than a one-half (四小时)一天的病假. 校园协调员应与教师一起决定 按规定的病假小时数报告. 校园协调员也应 report all absences to the VPASA in writing, giving details for the absence.



Any employee unable to return to work after exhausting all accumulated sick leave and accrued vacation leave may be granted sick leave without pay for a period not 超过一(1)年. Furthermore, such approved sick leave shall allow the employee the right to elect to continue his or her group insurance benefits, and the institution 在这段时间内,它会继续分担成本吗. 禁止所有其他福利 否则雇员会得到什么.

See the EGSC Employee Handbook concerning the process for approval of sick leave without pay (requiring approval of the President, Director of Human Resources, and immediate supervisor) and the process for use of sick leave without pay when FMLA has been exhausted.

Faculty are encouraged to be familiar with all leave policies (including FLMA and (军事假). 更多资料可在此查阅 校董会政策手册第8节.2.7、在学术上 & 学生 Affairs Handbook of the 佐治亚大学系统, Section 4.9.1.在美国和东方 Georgia State College Employee Handbook (see provisions concerning time away from 工作).